20% Whitesnake concert ticket discount

Good News is offering all biker users a one-time ticket discount of 20% for the Whitesnake & Europe concert on June 21, 2022 by using the discount code "Bikermag22"! In our report about the upcoming rock concerts in Switzerland...

Rock concerts for bikers

Real bikers are into rock music, blues and rock'n'roll. In 2022, the signs for rock concerts are good again. Real rock legends have announced themselves. 2020 and 2021 were dead in the water when it came to public events. Big events...

"Swiss Harley Days" come to Lugano

"We're ready!" After five years of abstinence, the Swiss Harley Days return to Lugano. On the weekend of July 1-3, Switzerland's largest motorcycle event will once again take place in the idyllic city in the south of...

Motofestival 2022 is postponed

The Motofestival 2022 will be postponed by one year to 2023. The planning uncertainties in connection with the various Corona measures and their expected relaxation are to blame. The worldwide Corona pandemic has left deep marks in the event industry also in the...

Novelty: event agenda for bikers

Biker creates a calendar about national and international bike events and motorcycle events and introduces a new section for this purpose. Here interested bikers can find bike events of their brands or bike events in their region and country. Organizers who...
